Meaning of massage

Meaning of massage

Massage comes from the Arabic word mass / l 'meaning' mas press gently. Massage as a holistic treatment involves treating the whole person, body, mind and spirit. Research suggests that massage was over the use of several centuries before the birth of Christ. It was mentioned in Ancient Greek,

Egyptian, Indian and Chinese medical texts. It was mentioned in the 18th century BC in Homer's Odyssey book mentioned by Hippocrates in 4LH century BC and the physician (AD 150) Galen was known for using massage for the treatment and prevention of disease. Massage has been taught in Egyptian temples alongside the herbal medicine.

Massage has also been used throughout history for relaxation and beauty treatment. The Romans indulged in massage with herbs, there are tales about the massage parlors and bath which were frequented by the nobility and Roman emperors. They had been bathing the point of being an indulgence of luxury. After the fall of the Roman Empire in the Western world has become more puritanical and pamper the body seen as a sin. The very idea of treating the body as a thing of beauty and indulge in pampering it was considered blasphemous. This resulted in massage as a form of relaxation and as a form of medicine being ostracized and remained for several centuries. It was not until the late 18th century, when the wave of liberalism has hit the world, massage has been re-invented.

Massage is based on power and the magic touch, efficiency. Touch is an incredibly powerful tool. It heals, it comforts and it brings a warm glow of security that surrounds both the giver and receiver in a strange collage. The warm cocoon of love that permeates the senses of touch and contact of man is perhaps the best treatment of all healing. Remember the time you were injured and ran to his mother for a reassuring touch. At times she would just touch gently on the spot and you feel a magical place. The hint was taken all the pain and evil, you have brought relief that could not have come from any drug in the world. It was the touch therapy that you had known then.

Touch is an absolutely primitive and instinctive a basic need for living beings. Whether a human being, an animal or a plant, every living being responds to the stimulus of touch. Even plants grow healthier and more quickly when exposed to music and touch. Even the most violent animals can be subdued by the power of love to touch. It is essential that is unfortunately overlooked in many of our societies. The continuing rise in popularity of therapies like massage, reiki, reflexology, etc., demonstrate the effectiveness of contact may be. Over the past 30 years, researchers have begun to examine the effects of therapeutic touch, and showed that not only physical contact regularly lower anxiety levels and improve the quality of life, but it affects the process physiological, too, ranging from lowered blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and even less to reduce the deterioration of brain cells and memory loss with age. Musculoskeletal disorders are often helped by manipulation or other physical treatments and pain levels for both pain tolerance and can often be helped with by using touch therapies.

Massage is nothing but a technical adjustment to the touch. It integrates the various pressures and techniques of touch, effectiveness. And it can bring enormous benefits to people, especially those suffering from disorders related to stress and tension, which have become an integral part of our lives.

Research shows that massage can have a positive effect on your muscle building capabilities and fitness, increasing your ability to fitness. In addition to being therapeutically beneficial, massage is also being treated very pleasant to receive and give. It transmits much more than words can express. It improves relationships between partners who practice them secure and comfortable in the company of others. Massage is the most immediate affect another person, to reassure and relax them, to help reduce pain, influence our ability to build relationships, and even fight the disease. The emotional effects caused are the kind that can cure most physical problems.


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