About curettage or scraping of the womb

Sometimes pregnancies result in unanticipated ways: voluntary termination, abortions, and so on. Usually in these cases, the uterus expels naturally and spontaneously throughout the embryo. Sometimes not the case and for other reasons, the uterus does not just remove the remains of placenta.
When this happens, you have to practice what is called "scraping" a medical intervention is also performed when there is a significant bleeding from the genital tract. By scraping can understand, explain and cure the disease in question. Although sometimes seen as something traumatic, it's much less painful than it was in the past. The operation is performed under local or general practice gynecologist and lasts half an hour. It is true that both psychological and physical intervention is not pleasant, but there is no reason to worry. In addition, the risk of postoperative complications is minimal.

What is scraping?
At other times was done with the help of a kind of spoon with a large handle and a curved blade, shaped like a dome, which was accessible to the uterus and scratched walls. Today, however, the scaling is done using a vacuum system through a cannula. The "spoon" is used only at the end of procedure to rub some the uterine wall and verify that the uterus remains.
Unlike the "bucket", the aspiration does not cause damage or injury leaves nor mucous in the uterus. It is not a complicated intervention to perform, requiring local or general anesthesia and requires only a day income. In addition, only half-hour. Whether practiced with "spoon" as a cannula, the surgeon can cause dilation of the cervix, if it occurs too close. The operation requires only a week off work to restore strength.

Why practice?
There are many reasons, including that pregnancy does not come to an end and, for one reason or another, the entire contents of the uterus not release naturally. It is also practiced after an interruption, an abortion, a pregnancy without an embryo, and so on., Or when the uterus has any problem or defect. In these cases the scaling can better understand the nature of the problem and facilitates healing.

Is it a painful scraping?
Often the pain of scraping is psychological, that is, any prematurely interrupted pregnancy becomes a difficult situation to overcome. Having an abortion is never easy. It is also true that you can feel some physical pain, but thanks to anesthesia (general or local) and aspiration techniques, the little that we feel has nothing to do with what was suffered in times past. So it's not worth worrying about when our friends tell us their experiences: not all women equally support the same pain.

And after surgery ...?
Unlike what happens with other operations, the risk of postoperative discomfort is minimal. You can always feel something (rather than tolerable) or suffering losses for several days. These pains they suffer a few hours after surgery are often compared to menstrual cramps.
In case of heavy and prolonged bleeding or severe pain, do not hesitate to re-visit the gynecologist. After a period of two cycles (the time it takes to replenish the uterus) can try to get pregnant again.


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