Sport: cheap flights

Sport: cheap flights

While you can not shed those extra pounds, your wallet, it has never been so lean?

you found some good plans for sweating cheap ...

- Sport home: to the gym at home, home exercises, sports, sport home
A ground, balloon, elastic, weights (or two bottles of 1, 5 L, which will do nicely for your arm muscles), and go! No need to ruin in accessories either, because nothing like a good ab workout without frills, every morning to start the day off right! (3 sets of 20 large-rights, then 2 sets of 20 oblique).
To give you ideas for exercises, especially the advice not to hurt you, you can opt for:

DVD fitness, gym or other sports.
Often very full, they can practice exercises adapted to music.

 Specialized programs.
There are still few in France, but it's starting to come! Live 8, for example, offers "direct Gym" a morning program (7:30) as gym classes entertaining, dynamic and responsive to all levels!

Aimed at those wishing to spend a fun and varied, Wii Fit � can be a good alternative. Various exercises and personal monitoring to assess progress are on the menu. The only "snag" the price of the console equivalent of a subscription in a gym ...

We knew the web is full of videos of all kinds. As for sports, there are now lots of sites that offer exercises tailored to your needs (abs, glutes, stretching ...).

Playing sports at home ...
Pros: The advantages are many: no transport, no queue for the shower, and all for one price!
Cons: Only (e) to sweat in his living room, it can sometimes be a bit depressing. Another downside: no teacher or coach beside itself to correct the exercises, speed up, or just motivate us, the results may be less successful ...

Come on, let out a breath of fresh air! Although urban women have no excuse: parks, gardens, pedestrian areas ... there are lots of places to refill his lungs with oxygen.
Some ideas for outdoor activities:

 The timeless but still formidable jogging outdoors.
Alone or accompanied, it is the right plan number 1 for those who refuse to put a penny in a sporting activity. But run, run, run again, after a while it can tire. Little advice for lovers (-rices) jogging: Do not forget your player.


"Mara-what? . Marathon! You know, those races where everyone is wearing a nice vest and shorts! Unlike jogging alone, the marathon can run ... in making friends - for the more sociable - or with a competitive spirit. But beware, the marathon is a sporting event of high level requires months of training. And before you start, make sure you have no medical indication-cons.

 Races for humanitarian purposes.
It is a marathon, a race humanitarian is (perhaps) better. Okay, the bib is paying (and sometimes expensive), but it's for a good cause! Lose weight by doing a good deed, which could be better?

The outdoor sports ...
Pros: It breathes, it has room to romp, is communing with nature and we go home with rosy cheeks!


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