The anticancer properties of tomatoes

After the potato is grown as a vegetable on the planet. Although many fruits and vegetables have a much higher vitamin and mineral content, the tomato is a vegetable that, thanks to its consumer and its properties, gives the greatest contribution to the achievement of the recommended daily dose.

The tomato is the 93% water. 2.9% carbohydrate, 0.2% fat, 1% protein and 1.8% fiber.

Lycopene has a strong antioxidant, and recent research has discovered that can slow the proliferation of cancer cells. According to a U.S. study regularly eat tomatoes dramatically decrease the risk of ovarian cancer for women and prostate cancer for men. Also in tomato, two acids would be able to avoid the formation of carcinogenic substances in the body.
Thanks to the tomato lycopene plays an important protective action of the skin.


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