Bipolar Demi Lovato: "Selena Gomez helped me"

Bipolar Demi Lovato: "Selena Gomez helped me"

Speaking of his problems should not have been difficult for Demi Lovato, who has made ??coming out, and has publicly admitted to suffering from bipolar disorder.

After praising the actress for Catherine Zeta Jones admitting to suffering from bipolar disorder type II, the young girl has indeed found the courage to tell his story publicly. As you know, the beautiful star of Disney had the unhealthy habit of cutting his wrists: "I was 11 years old the first time I cut, it was my way to express the shame that had been turning for myself, for my body. There were times when my emotions were amplified, I did not know what to do. "

E 'With these words the young girl allows us to peek into a world I never imagined. After all we know, people hide behind the facade of the secrets that hardly imagine, and Demi, with big smiles, colorful costumes and everything else, could make us believe that everything was going wonderfully well!

But everything began to crumble when apparsero the first photo where you could see the cuts on his arms: "When that picture came out I was terrified! The whole world saw my darkest secret, including even my parents knew. "

Now that the worst is over, it's time to rebuild long-lost friends, starting with the historical with Selena Gomez.

"By Selena we felt the first week, we were not speaking for a long time and it was my fault. Sel called me and was crying, so I said 'Sel, I'm the one in rehab, I should be the one who cries' but at the end of the call we were both laughing. Sel is continuing to support me. "


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