Treatments for infertility

The techniques and therapies offered by the centers for the treatment of infertility can be divided into four main categories: Hormone therapy and anti-estrogen (with ovulation induction)
Artificial insemination techniques

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART)
Generally, we start with the simpler treatment among those most suitable for the type of infertility that affects a given pair. If after several cycles of treatment do not get any results, you switch to another technique.
Most infertility cases (85-90%) are treated with conventional treatments (surgery or pharmacotherapy).
Ovulation induction: It can be practiced alone or in combination with another treatment for infertility, such as artificial insemination or ART technique, such as in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer (IVF).
To stimulate ovulation in women with infrequent or irregular menstrual cycles or amenorrhea in women for PCOS, are traditionally given the antiestrogenic clomiphene and tamoxifen
These drugs trigger the release of gonadotropins, so that the hypothalamus is induced to behave as if they were in the presence of abnormally low levels of estrogen. While giving positive results in many women, involves a high risk pregnancies multiplets.
Hormone therapy: Women with ovulation problems who do not respond to clomiphene or are affected by hormonal imbalances due to pituitary hypoactivity could benefit from treatment aimed at replacing or enhancing gonadotropic hormone production naturally by the body. This type of treatment is also used to stimulate a "super-ovulation in ART techniques, including IVF.
For the purposes of super-ovulation induction, uses a therapy based on human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) activities follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) (as menotrophin Ferring). Its use for the stimulation of multiple follicular development in patients undergoing ART cycles is particularly recommended by experts because of the low cost and high probability of success.
Other treatments affect the administration of gonadotropic substances with FSH, such as urofollitropina and follitropin and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
Artificial Insemination: It is the most widely used treatment in cases of infertility due to reduced counts / concentration / sperm motility.
It can also be used in women whose cervical mucus is hostile or contains antisperm antibodies.
The sperm are collected, processed, washed and then inserted directly into the uterus, the cervix or vagina. The most common form of artificial insemination is intrauterine, but also other forms increase the chance of fertilization. If necessary, artificial insemination can be performed with donor sperm.
Surgery: Surgery may be useful to correct any anatomical abnormalities of the reproductive system of both men and women.
In women, there are various problems that can be corrected surgically: The removal of adhesions left over from previous infections, endometriosis, fibroids.


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